Avril Lavigne angers the fashion industry by choosing Kim Kardashian's 14-year-old sister for Abbey Dawn catwalk show
By Lauren Paxman
Fashionistas have to be pretty good at calling in favours to stay ahead in the industry.
But Canadian singer Avril Lavigne may have have gone a little too far when she persuaded her boyfriend's 14-year-old sister to take to the catwalk in her New York Fashion Week show.
Getting Kylie Jenner to model grungy fashion label Abbey Dawn's latest collection was guaranteed to attract the world's attention. As well as being Brody Jenner's sibling, Kylie also shares a mother with the US's biggest reality TV star Kim Kardashian.

Catwalk debut: Kylie Jenner, 14, made her runway debut at Avril Lavigne's
Abbey Dawn show in New York

Walking the walk: Unaware of the controversy she was generating, Avril praised Kylie's performance saying: 'She did a really good job. I think she’s adorable'
But much of the coverage was negative, as people criticised the Sk8r Boi singer for using such a young model.
Lavigne's choice is all the more surprising because she is such a strong advocate of animal rights - a passion that does not seem to translate into protecting underage girls.
Unaware of the controversy she was generating, 26-year-old praised Kylie's performance saying: 'She did a really good job. I think she’s adorable.
'She’s the youngest of all the sisters and I love her edge.'

Designer and model: Avril Lavigne has caused controversy by using Kim Kardashian's 14-year-old sister, Kylie , in her fashion show
The Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) 'strongly' encourages the fashion industry to only use models who are aged 16 or over in an attempt to protect teenagers from growing up too fast.
Its campaign has been endorsed by Diane von Furstenberg, Anna Wintour and all the top US modelling agencies.
Steven Kolb, SCEO of the CFDA said: 'Designers share a responsibility to protect women, and very young girls in particular, within the business.'

Supporting sisters: From left, Kendall Jenner, Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian and Kylie Jenner
Front row: The famous family tweeted, took photos, clapped and made devil horns as their little sister modelled Lavigne's clothes
Not everyone approves of the age restriction though. Some fashion bloggers have openly criticised the move, claiming that it hurts young models who are trying to establish themselves. But even bloggers agree that it is unfair to let minor-celebrities flout a ban that applies to everyone else.
Wearing a black tutu dress, a logo t-shirt and some impressively high stilettos, Kylie walked down the runway to cheers from her siblings Kendall, Kourtney, Brody and Kim, as well as the newlywed's husband, Kris Humphries.
The famous family tweeted, took photos, clapped and made devil horns as their little sister modelled Lavigne's clothes - but were less interested in the collection when they were being shown off by other, older models.
By Lauren Paxman
Fashionistas have to be pretty good at calling in favours to stay ahead in the industry.
But Canadian singer Avril Lavigne may have have gone a little too far when she persuaded her boyfriend's 14-year-old sister to take to the catwalk in her New York Fashion Week show.
Getting Kylie Jenner to model grungy fashion label Abbey Dawn's latest collection was guaranteed to attract the world's attention. As well as being Brody Jenner's sibling, Kylie also shares a mother with the US's biggest reality TV star Kim Kardashian.
Catwalk debut: Kylie Jenner, 14, made her runway debut at Avril Lavigne's
Abbey Dawn show in New York
Walking the walk: Unaware of the controversy she was generating, Avril praised Kylie's performance saying: 'She did a really good job. I think she’s adorable'
But much of the coverage was negative, as people criticised the Sk8r Boi singer for using such a young model.
Lavigne's choice is all the more surprising because she is such a strong advocate of animal rights - a passion that does not seem to translate into protecting underage girls.
Unaware of the controversy she was generating, 26-year-old praised Kylie's performance saying: 'She did a really good job. I think she’s adorable.
'She’s the youngest of all the sisters and I love her edge.'
Designer and model: Avril Lavigne has caused controversy by using Kim Kardashian's 14-year-old sister, Kylie , in her fashion show
The Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) 'strongly' encourages the fashion industry to only use models who are aged 16 or over in an attempt to protect teenagers from growing up too fast.
Its campaign has been endorsed by Diane von Furstenberg, Anna Wintour and all the top US modelling agencies.
Steven Kolb, SCEO of the CFDA said: 'Designers share a responsibility to protect women, and very young girls in particular, within the business.'
Supporting sisters: From left, Kendall Jenner, Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian and Kylie Jenner
Front row: The famous family tweeted, took photos, clapped and made devil horns as their little sister modelled Lavigne's clothes
Not everyone approves of the age restriction though. Some fashion bloggers have openly criticised the move, claiming that it hurts young models who are trying to establish themselves. But even bloggers agree that it is unfair to let minor-celebrities flout a ban that applies to everyone else.
Wearing a black tutu dress, a logo t-shirt and some impressively high stilettos, Kylie walked down the runway to cheers from her siblings Kendall, Kourtney, Brody and Kim, as well as the newlywed's husband, Kris Humphries.
The famous family tweeted, took photos, clapped and made devil horns as their little sister modelled Lavigne's clothes - but were less interested in the collection when they were being shown off by other, older models.